Business Impact Analysis Meetings

Explore what makes a Business Impact Analysis Meetings so important to your organisation, and how Fixinc runs one.

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the what

What is Business Impact Analysis Meetings?

Fixinc develops a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) through the facilitation of consultative interviews with business unit representatives. As an external party, it often generates honest and thorough feedback and views on the organization's operations and structures.  For each area of the Organization that undertakes the BIA, outcomes of the BIA process will include confirmation of all mission-critical functions, allowable outages and recovery timeframes for each critical function, and resource requirements and critical dependencies.
resilience ecosystem

How Business Impact Analysis Meetings fits into the Tungsten Diamond.

During the BIA meetings, the following information will be gathered and analyzed, including all mission-critical functions, allowable outages and recovery timeframes for each critical function, and resource requirements and critical dependencies.

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