Business Continuity Plan Design

Explore what makes a Business Continuity Plan Design so important to your organisation, and how Fixinc runs one.

Don’t just take our word for it.

We've supported organisations like yours with Business Continuity Plan Design.
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the what

What is Business Continuity Plan Design?

Fixinc will facilitate a series of meetings with key organizational contacts to discuss likely disruption scenarios in line with the outcomes of the threat analysis workshops (completed as part of the BIA meetings), and threat intelligence analysis. Whilst every organization is different, common scenarios can include loss of critical staff, loss of access to premises, loss of It and communication systems, or loss of third or supply chain. The outcome of these meetings and analysis helps design and build a plan that remains relevant and specific to your common threat scenarios. We have seen that this encourages team members to use the plan more often and with confidence.
resilience ecosystem

How Business Continuity Plan Design fits into the Tungsten Diamond.

Fixinc will facilitate a series of meetings with key organisational contacts to discuss likely disruption scenarios in line with the outcomes of the threat analysis workshops completed as part of the BIA meetings. Likely scenarios are as follows:

  • Loss of critical staff
  • Loss of access to premises
  • Loss of It and communication systems
  • Loss of third or supply chain

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